Tuesday 11 May 2010

Berwick upon Tweed

I was on my way to do a stand up gig and ended up in Berwick upon Tweed.

I was heading north on a train, it was pretty dark outside and suddenly it was my stop.

I got off the train stop / bus stop and looked around. As I said it was very dark and quite creepy. Through the darkness I could see in front of me the top of an old church or cathedral. It was a kind of gothic dome. Looking around more I noticed a lot of the architecture was like this, and for some bizaar reason I concluded that this was Berwick upon Tweed.

I started to panic a little as I didn't know the time, I didn't want to spend the night here in the dark wandering the streets as I had done in Edinburgh previously this year. I needed to find where the venue was and also find accommodation.

Strangely enough as I was walking, I ended up in some sort of industrial area, and it turned from dark to light suddenly, from 10.00 to I was amongst a lot of foreign workers, they seemed to be Chinese, and they spoke very little English.
We were next to an embankment made from car tyres on one side and small cliffs to the other. The tyres actually covered the whole of a factory where these people worked shifts. They didn't look happy with me.

I tried telling one couple that I was a comedian and I needed a place to stay before it got dark. I asked how far the main town was and they told me it was 8 miles. I begged for a lift and gave them my wallet with my I.D. in so they could see that I was real or at least trustworthy.
After some deliberation the woman (of the couple) agreed.

Was it a motorbike or car? I am n sure but the three of us got in some kind of vehicle that went very fast and they sped as fast as they could around the CLIFF EDGES, edged that were crumbling or close to crumbling, as soon as a wheel touched earth, it crumbled away, but the couple seemed to accept this as the norm.

There were other moments when we all had to jump a little into puddles or into shallow water together or singularly.

and all I can remember