Monday 10 May 2010


All I can really recall from last nights dream was my mam.

I was in a living room somewhere, it certainly wasn't my mams house. I decided to go into the kitchen and when I walked in i saw my mother lying on the floor.

The room was dark and I didn't bother to put a light on, I was in shock I guess. it was very grey in colour. My mam was lying on her back and appeared to be dead. I gave her mouth to mouth resuscitation and tried to wake her up. After a short time she opened her eyes.

She told me she was alright and she appeared to be fine. It was something to do with oxygen. I had given her a blast of good air.

After that I called her a few time to make sure she was using her oxygen every night to which she replied 'Yes, I am'
It was horrible.

I cannot remember anything else after that. That was so shocking to me that It was the only thing I recalled.