Sunday 2 May 2010

A bus journey

The memory of this dream has disintegrated over the last few days but I remember certain bits.

I was on a bus journey somewhere, and Newcastle was definitely one of the stops if not the destination. I remember passing some craters in the earth to my right hand side and a tour guide or someone mentioned that this was the crash site of the meteor that caused the ice age and killed the dinosaurs, strange that it would be in the north east that was all. There was also a volcano that was quite volatile right next to the crater.

Then suddenly the bus went right up a large hill, higher and higher and when we wet down the other side it was like a roller-coaster. The whole bus was vertical, barely keeping friction with the road and threatening to tip forward and roll. I was screaming but the rest of the passengers seemed to take it in their stride, it was almost as if this was the morning bus to work that people take everyday, for most of their lives, so the vertical drop is just same old same old vertical what.

and that is all I remember