Tuesday 13 April 2010

Brad Pitt smashed my face in

OK let me try and recall.

One part of my dream from last night was having my face smashed in by Brad Pitt. He was standing directly in front of me and was trying to look for openings so he would be able to throw punches. The strange thing is, I was able to drop my guard and take his punches straight on, without having to duck and dive. I wasn't able to feel pain, or as much pain as he would have liked. The more harder he punched the more frustrated he became because they were having no effect on me, he started to get scared, and that's all I remember of that.

In another part I was going to see my old girlfriend in Athens, and when I got there, she decided she didn't want to see me, so that backfired. I bided my time in Athens with another woman whom I cannot recall, it may have been my friend Martine. We were in some sort of hole in the ground that had a stair case that was made out of wooden pallets. In the hole / hideout there was a DVD playing a film I had watched the previous year (in Athens with my ex girlfriend), I was watching it again to re - live the moments I shared with my ex girlfriend, all I know is that it starred Matt Damon, it was a long boring movie and it had some science fiction in it, I remember it had something to do with 'Solaris' too, it was a mixture of ALL those things. There was a moment when I was wearing only a long shirt that went down to my knees and I was naked underneath, and for some reason the scene jumped and I was in some large hall, it looked like a university building and I know there were some uni friends in there, but I kept on wearing the long shirt. In another point I was trying to get out of THAT hole in the ground by climbing on the wooden pallets, and some of them broke up and I fell back into the hole, but was uninjured.

The last part I remembered was an old school friend (Daniel Robertson) telling me that my landlords and friends (Rebecca & GIll) wanted me out of their house ASAP. So I called them and Gill answered the phone, I told him that I would be out of there within two weeks and I would pay for any damages done to the room, and that was it, I woke up.

Sunday 11 April 2010

I was nearly murdered.

Okay here is last nights dream.

I was in a street, It looked like Barrington road near my mothers house. It was dark and probably the early hours of morning. I was grabbed from behind by a black guy. I could not see his face at first but I saw his forearms as they grabbed me in a bear hug. He was trying to lift me and carry me backwards somewhere.

Somehow I managed to break free. He was strong but not quite strong enough, and as usual everything was in slow motion. I remember thinking this guy is not quite real, his arms seem to be made of rubber or something. I am not quite sure but I think I may have bitten into his forearm and drawn blood. As I spun around to face him, I saw he was a huge muscular black man. Behind him in the distance, there was a small terrace house with it's lights on. It looked cosy and welcoming and the front door was open spilling a yellow light into the darkness. Lit up in this yellow light were the silhouettes of two men, and they had an air of malevolence about them. My immediate thought was that I was going to be beaten up and murdered and probably gang raped, that was my gut feeling.

So I ran. I kept on running through the streets as fast as I could. I was running so fast my breath was burning my throat. I remember seeing a fox scuttling into a hedge that was filled with garbage and litter and when I passed I saw its bushy tail briefly as it also ran for cover.

Eventually I reached an old ruin of a building, it was possibly an old tenement building, old flats, or a listed building of some sort. There was peeled paint in places and dripping water. I Open a huge wooden door, and in the next room there were two tramps on the floor, possibly with empty bottles of alcohol around them. They looked shabby and sweaty and they were surprised to see me. I quickly jumped over them because I was afraid, they reminded me a little of the other chaps I was running from, men seemed to be quite threatening in this dream.

I jumped over the tramps and out through a doorway that led into the street.
I was on the corner of a busy street, although I cannot tell you NOW where I was, in the dream I recognised it. It was familiar. It looked like a place I knew but I was looking at it from a different angle and I was looking for familiar landmarks to get my bearings and adjust my perspective. I seemed to be in the middle of an old town, or an old part of the city, very busy, the road to my left went up a hill, I seemed to b in the middle of two merging roads, the one on my right passed me going downhill. I immediately think of Leeds, an old part of Leeds that I used to pass on the A64. Again I am only trying to make sense of it.

Oh yes, and somewhere along the line I was met by a creature that was a mix between a dog and a crow. It definitely had crows eyes and its face was a mixture of crow and dog. It had teeth, and it's black fur was a mixture of feathers and fur, almost like a armadillo. It was weird.

....and that's the part I remember, because I woke up quite scared. I was freaked out about the three guys that were going to kill me

Saturday 10 April 2010

Heidi 1978

Yeah this is a dream I still sort of remember today.

I was going out with Heidi, Heidi from the television series in the 70's and 80's. It was dubbed in case you are wondering which one.
Anyway all I remember is, I was in a pink room, very luxurious. The walls were coloured red or deep pink. The whole place had a thick pile carpet effect, very comfortable.
I was in the toilet with Heidi (katia polletin) and her cousin (I cannot remember her name) and we were kissing and doing as much as you could at the age of eight or nine. Suddenly someone was outside of the door, demanding to get in. So the only way out was to go down the toilet. So me and Heidi and her cousin went down the toilet.

Strange thing is, we appeared later on, coming down a huge staircase into the reception of a hotel lobby with crowds of people watching us.

and that's all I remember.

Dream 1

OK this is what I remember not necessarily in the right order.

I was doing a stand up class where a few of my friends were there, Ben Bushby most notably from my courier days. He was looking right at me as I went on stage. Sam Brady (a comedian) was holding the class and everyone seemed confident that I would be OK, also I think Jay Hampson (comedian) was also watching. Anyway when I finally tried to open my mouth to do my set, I realised that I could not remember it. I was stuttering and trying to find the words to start myself off but nothing came out. I stopped, apologised then started again and it all fell to pieces. Then Sam put his arm around me and lead me outside for a talk in which he gave me some advice.

Sam and I went into a yard that was full of wood, or piles of wood. There were lorries off loading loads of this stuff into neat piles, I'm sure at one point I had to run / duck away from a falling piece of wood, I'm not entirely sure.

In another part I was in a courtyard of a foreign town, it seemed a little like Plaka in Athens, a sort of courtyard full of markets and other types of stalls. There was a burger stall selling green type burgers, but they had another name, I had trouble peaking to the owner and making my order but we got there in the end. I passed a sign that displayed the entertainment for tonight and low and behold it had to comedians name, one of which was my friend Hayley Ellis. It all seemed very strange, but the theme seems to be something to do with comedy.

In other parts I was in Uni, I had just returned but decided to MISS that days class thus plunging myself further into trouble in insecurity. A lot of other students were not very impressed with me. I seemed to be wandering the uni dodging teachers and lessons.

and that's all I remember of that dream, so far anyway.

In the night before my dream had something to do with homelessness.
I was wearing my parka and I had stubble as I usually do, and for some reason I had lost my wallet and anything else with my I.D. in it. No one would take me seriously and I fell into a trap where the police thought I was homeless because of my appearance. It was a nightmare, I really did not know how I was going to survive.

There was an aeroplane involved too, a not sure if I was trying to get on a flight to somewhere and they wouldn't let me on. I really don't know why, maybe it was the tramp thing I don't know.